- When can I use…
“Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies” - Spritely
jQuery plugin for sprite animation - Designing for the Web
Free ebook. A good one!
Monat: März 2010
Random Links #153
- Beginning Pylons – an introduction to using the Pylons web framework
Nice Intro - The Source command
. Basic bash stuff - Visual Guide to NoSQL Systems
Do I really have to cut one off? - Basic CSS3 Techniques That You Should Know
I didn’t know that
Random Links #152
- Why I switched to Pylons after using Django for six months
Django vs. Pylons - jQuery Sliding Clock
Nice clock - selfhtml wiki
SELFHTML goes wiki!
Random Links #151
- My ten development principles
First: customers - What should be the considerations for choosing SQL/NoSQL?
“Because it’s sexy” is always wrong - CSS3 Browser Support Checklist
2.9 % CSS3 support for IE8 …
Random Links #150
- harmony
A js drawing tool. Amazing! - Aha! Moments When Learning Git
Another great git mini-tutorial. But better explained. - Dead-End Heroes
Great quote!
Random Links #149
- jQuery Plugin Roundup 3: gameQuery, hotkeys, qTip
I should give gameQuery a try - Programmers: What To Do If You Get Fired
Amusing read (while promoting a product) - Flash and Standards: The Cold War of the Web
No bashing. Constructive article.
Random Links #148
- VcsSurvey
Martin Fowler with VCS survey data - IE6 Funeral
It’s over. Finally. - A Simple Step-by-Step Reportlab Tutorial
PDF creation with Python
Random Links #147
- Developer Certification WTF?
two.java -> 30.000 Lines Of Code ??? - Embiggen Your Brain with gbrainy
games! games! games! but these are hard ones. - US Patent: Linked List
Random Links #146
- Why I’m leaving Subversion for Git
Another switch … - On Small Applications
Does something even exist? - The Python String Concatenation Shootout
And does this really matter?
Random Links #145
- Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part VII: ragtag.vim (formerly allml.vim)
The next notable vim plugin! - Third coding dojo
Coding as a martial art? - cloth simulation
Try also the other experiments. Awesome stuff.