- Featured Appliance: BrowserBox
A Suse based appliance with 12 different browsers (in 22 different versions) - Programmers’ Day
… yesterday in Russia. There are also reports of a fallen rice bag in China. - Android automatic build environment
with maven
Monat: September 2010
Random Links #264
- NoSQL Job Trends – September 2010
No Sql – more Jobs ? 😉 - htop für das Netzwerk
iptraf - Whom to hire: The best, the mediocre or the cheapest
Easy solution but hard to find? - Bouncing a Ball Around with HTML5 and JavaScript
With canvas
Random Links #263
- Class (file format)
The java class files are identified by 0xCAFEBABE . Brilliant! - Welcome to Mozilla Labs Gaming
Making games with html,javascript,css? Here is Mozilla’s competition. - A New Take on the “Pocket Reference” — Public Beta of new O’Reilly Mobile HTML App
A mobile Html5 reference
Random Links #262
Back from mobile techcon with a lot of links
- Android Introduction at MobilTechCon
Starting with Android - Android Fragmentation
The Open Android Device Knowledge Base - Books you should read to learn iPhone app development
and iPhone
tbc …
Random Links #261
- calc()
“width: -moz-calc(50% – 4px);” – Great! - Lesen heute für Softwareentwickler
Mehr lesen schadet nie. - Warum Flattr auf Planet nichts zu suchen hat
Die andere Seite der Medaille. Auch zu verstehen.
Random Links #260
- The Top 10 Pygame Tutorials
There is a lot to learn …. - Pomodoro Timer
A simple, web based timer for the Pomodoro Technique - Goodby Planet ubuntuusers.de
Auch nicht die feine englische, einfach so jemanden vom Planeten zu schmeißen.
Random Links #259
- Better Configuration Files
We should have a common convention here - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the New Axis of Evil (Oracle)
Well, I don’t know - 50 Amazing Free Icon Sets
Lot’s of (high quality) Icons again