- HTML5′s window.postMessage API
Another HTML5 feature – with demo - How To Build A Mobile Website
A comprehensive intro - HTML5 input types
<input type=”tel”>
Autor: Daniel
Random Links #293
- Interview with Dierk Koenig – Author of Groovy in Action
“The early days were a bit of a wild-west but … we feel a high obligation to evolve the language in a controlled fashion.” - 5 Tips to Better Serve Your Internal Customer
With listen as No.1 - CoffeeScript
A language that compiles to JavaScript
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with node - Android Development with Maven – a primer
mvn android:deploy
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Nice first episode, waiting for the upcoming episodes - GORM Gotchas (Part 3)
Advanced GORM - Downloading Encrypted and Compressed Files with Python
… and JSON
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Adobe’s new “content creation and publishing” app. Nice, but a export to html(5) is missing. - 12 Months with MongoDB
1 year after migrating from mySQL to Mongo - Private Methoden einfach testen
.. mit C#. Man kann das machen, ob man es soll ist eine andere Geschichte.
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“… solution that shifts gracefully from the HTML5 <video> tag to the Flash Player when the tag is not supported …” - 50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers
Great Article from Smashing Magazine, once again! - Learning Javascript with Object Graphs
With pictures!
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- The Power of Time Off
What a great article, this quote is brilliant: “having a Blackberry is equivalent to smoking two joints because you are always being interrupted, and never really ‘here’ “ - Review of Popular Web Font Embedding Services
With google as the only free Font service .. - Android UI development tools
Nice, tiny collection of tools for Android development
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I hope this will be fixed until the final release …. - Top 9 of 97 Things every programmer should know
Nine out of nearly hundred
Random Links #285
- The wxPython Demo
Normally I’d suggest a web based solution for a wide range of multiplatform apps, but for some cases this could be relevant. - Quick Tip: Using the Mustache Template Library
Back in the web world with Javascript templateing
- Firefox No Longer Not Fast?
Waiting for Beta 7