- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs – Online
Scheme anyone? - Quake II GWT Port
Html5, javascript, gwt -> Quake. Awesome. - Git: Oops! I Changed Those Files In The Wrong Branch!
that’s easily fixed
Schlagwort: git
Random Links #158
- Geek to Live: Mirror files across systems with rsync
I need to setup a few of these backup scripts… - Mix Up the Workweek by Setting Your Own â20-Percent Timeâ?
Build something. Do It. - egit
Eclipse plugin for git
Random Links #150
- harmony
A js drawing tool. Amazing! - Aha! Moments When Learning Git
Another great git mini-tutorial. But better explained. - Dead-End Heroes
Great quote!
Random Links #148
- VcsSurvey
Martin Fowler with VCS survey data - IE6 Funeral
It’s over. Finally. - A Simple Step-by-Step Reportlab Tutorial
PDF creation with Python
Random Links #146
- Why I’m leaving Subversion for Git
Another switch … - On Small Applications
Does something even exist? - The Python String Concatenation Shootout
And does this really matter?
Random Links #141
- My Future of Web Frameworks Presentation
Nice overview about what was and what (maybe) will be. - Kann man Google irgendwie entkommen?
Pfu. Schwierige Aufgabe. Bin schon gespannt auf weitere Schritte. - Speed up your dev cycle with git
Switching from a central to a distributed SCM can (and probably will) be mind-blowing.
Random Links #140
- How Ruby Manages Memory and Garbage Collection
Nice educational stuff - FireRainbow
News from the firefox/firebug plugin side - Branching Strategies: When To Branch And Merge
with a follow-up: Branching Strategies: The Cost Of Branching And Merging
Random Links #138
- Subversion 1.7 to enable Git-like features
I’m surprised. Offline commits for svn? That’s an interesting move - CouchDB
Another CouchDB intro - Methods of Work: It Didn’t Happen If You Didn’t Write It Down
I have to make more notes. Much more!
Random Links #137
- Apache Project Releases PDF Tools
Seems that this is widely used in other Open Source Applications, see the References - A Visual Git Reference
Git in Pictures - Migrating a Spring/Hibernate application to MongoDB – Part 1
Maybe I need this sometime.
Random Links #136
- Measuring FAIL: A Scorecard for Evaluating Open Source Projects
“Your releases are only in .arj format [ +50 points of FAIL ]” - VersionControlTools
Maybe the most cited Blog entry today. Good stuff. - 10+ useful online code editors
With a vim style editor, of course