- A Different Take on UML: A Sneak Preview
Generating Diagrams from existing sources - 8 Websites You Need to Stop Building
in comic style - Groovy for Java Developers
60 slides, including the spaceship operator 😀
Schlagwort: groovy
Random Links #187
- Mercurial Workflow
Basic hg workflow picture - JFugue
Java Music API - groovyblogs
All relevant groovy blogs
Random Links #186
- Groovy web console
A groovy console on the Google App Engine - Gaelyk
Groovy toolkit for the Google App Engine - On MS, OSS, and Java
“It appeared that as Microsoft became more focused on innovation they started listening more to the technology leaders of smaller companies, not a bad thing by itself.”
Random Links #185
- How to Keep Crappy Programmers
This made me laugh - Setting up Hudson for small Teams
Dive into continuous integration - Groovy Goodness: Working on Files or Directories (or Both) with FileType
Random Links #134
- The Definitive Guide To Styling Web Links
Detailed and comprehensive Information on a basic topic - A One Day Griffon Application/Presentation
Griffon? Hype? Maybe. - Freiheit für die Dokumente
CouchDB jetzt schon auf heise (developer) … - Traincoding: shell.py: A pythonic equivalent for perl’s use Shell;
“print shell.ls('/usr').stdout
Random Links #119
- FLOSS Weekly 105: MongoDB
This week: Mongo DB. - Python’s “New” Division: Python 2 Versus Python 3
Python 2 vs. 3 (000) - The Best Groovy Modules You Might Not Know About
Nice list
Random Links #116
- Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part VI: nerd_tree.vim
NerdTree rocks! - Sexy Animated Tabs Using MooTools
Yet anoter MooTools Tutorial - My Groovy Trip
A groovy learner’s blog.
Random Links #102
Letzter Post für 2009?
- Scala Goodness: Compound Types
Ja, Scala ist auf jeden Fall einen genauen Blick wert … - Groovy Goodness: Putting Our List in Reverse
Jetzt auch noch Groovy, dafür nur eine Methode - With Grape, Groovy Is On Par with Native Scripting Languages
Wow, Grape ist ja wirklich spitze
Random Links #93
- Anti Pattern
Wie schon so oft, Wikipedia hat eine super Übersicht. - Programming, is it still fun for you?
YES. - Gorm
Der groovy OR Mapper. Powered by Hibernate.
Random Links #92
- HTTP Headers for Dummies
Wieder einmal ein ‘Basics’ Link - Griffon – A Grails-like Rich Internet Framework
Klingt interessant, ist glaub ich einen zweiten Blick wert. - How to Split an Application into Modules?
Kurzer Artikel zu einem wichtigen Thema. Aber deswegen nicht schlecht.